Jevrejski feminizam


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Historija feminizma

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Novi Zeland  U.K.  SAD

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Feministkinje  Literatura

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Židovski feminizam je pokret koji nastoji popraviti vjerski, pravni i društveni položaj žena unutar judaizma te otvoriti nove mogućnosti za vjersko iskustvo i vodstvo židovskim ženama. Feministički pokreti, s različitim metodama djelovanja i rezultatima, su se stvorili u svim vodećim ograncima judaizma.

U svom modernom obliku pokret je nastao ranih 1970-ih u SAD. Prema feminističkoj teologinji Judith Plaskow, pokret je imao fokus na reformski judaizam, a glavna pitanja ranih židovskih feministkinja su se ticala dijeljenja o eksluzivno muških molitvenih grupa ili minyana, isključivanja od mitzvota, te nemogućnosti žena da pokrenu i svjedoče u razvod.[1]


  1. Plaskow, Judith. "Jewish Feminist Thought" in Frank, Daniel H. & Leaman, Oliver. History of Jewish Philosophy, Routledge, first published 1997; this edition 2003.


  • Feldman, Emanual. "Orthodox Feminism and Feminist Orthodoxy". Jewish Action Winter 1999 (pdf)
  • "Girls Just Wanna Be 'Frum': JOFA conference speaker says feminism lags at Talmud study programs in Israel" Arhivirano 2007-02-26 na Wayback Machine-u, NY Jewish Week, Februray 2007.
  • Jewish women and the feminist revolution, an exhibit of the Jewish Women's Archive (Flash interactive site)
  • Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA)
  • Adler, Rachel. "The Jew Who Wasn't There: Halakha and the Jewish Woman," in Heschel, S. (ed). On Being a Jewish Feminist: A Reader, Schocken, 1983.
  • Adler, Rachel. Engendering Judaism: An Inclusive Theology and Ethics. Beacon Press, 1998.
  • Adler, Rachel. "Feminist Judaism: Past and Future" Arhivirano 2017-07-23 na Wayback Machine-u, Crosscurrents, Winter 2002, Vol. 51, No 4.
  • Greenberg, Blu. "Will There Be Orthodox Women Rabbis?". Judaism 33.1 (Winter 1984): 23-33.
  • ____________. "Is Now the Time for Orthodox Women Rabbis?". Moment Dec. 1992: 50-53, 74.
  • Hyman, Paula. "The Other Half: Women in the Jewish Tradition" in E. Koltun. The Jewish Woman: New Perspectives, Shocken 1976.
  • Hyman, E. Paula & Dash Moore, Deborah. (eds) (1997) Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia. Routledge, ISBN 0-415-91934-7
  • Ner-David, Haviva. Life on the Fringes: A Feminist Journey Toward Traditional Rabbinic Ordination. Needham, MA: JFL Books, 2000.
  • Nussbaum Cohen, Debra. "The women’s movement, Jewish identity and the story of a religion transformed,", June 17, 2004
  • Ozick, Cynthia. "Notes toward finding the right question" in Heschel, S. On Being a Jewish Feminist: A Reader. Schocken, 1983.
  • Plaskow, Judith. "The right question is theological" in Heschel, S. On being a Jewish Feminist: A Reader, Shocken, 1983(a).
  • _____________. "Language, God and Liturgy: A Feminist Perspective," Response 44:3-14, 1983(b).
  • _____________. Standing again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective, Harper and Row, 1990(a)
  • _____________. "Beyond Egalitarianism," Tikkun 5.6:79-81, 1990(b).
  • _____________. "Facing the Ambiguity of God," Tikkun. 6.5:70-1, 1991.
  • Ruttenberg, Danya, ed. "Yentl's Revenge: The Next Wave of Jewish Feminism." Seal Press, 2001.
  • Umansky, E. & Ashton, D. (eds) Four Centuries of Jewish Women's Spirituality: A Sourcebook, Beacon, 1992.
  • Wolowelsky, Joel B. "Feminism and Orthodox Judaism", Judaism, 188, 47:4, 1998, 499-507.