1697 în literatură

Ani în literatură


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1505 • 1506 • 1507 • 1508 • 1509
Anii 1510
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Anii 1520
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Anii 1530
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Anii 1540
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1545 • 1546 • 1547 • 1548 • 1549
Anii 1550
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1555 • 1556 • 1557 • 1558 • 1559
Anii 1560
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Anii 1570
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Anii 1590
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1595 • 1596 • 1597 • 1598 • 1599
Anii 1600
1600 • 1601 • 1602 • 1603 • 1604
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Anii 1610
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Anii 1620
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Anii 1630
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1635 • 1636 • 1637 • 1638 • 1639
Anii 1640
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1645 • 1646 • 1647 • 1648 • 1649
Anii 1650
1650 • 1651 • 1652 • 1653 • 1654
1655 • 1656 • 1657 • 1658 • 1659
Anii 1660
1660 • 1661 • 1662 • 1663 • 1664
1665 • 1666 • 1667 • 1668 • 1669
Anii 1670
1670 • 1671 • 1672 • 1673 • 1674
1675 • 1676 • 1677 • 1678 • 1679
Anii 1680
1680 • 1681 • 1682 • 1683 • 1684
1685 • 1686 • 1687 • 1688 • 1689
Anii 1690
1690 • 1691 • 1692 • 1693 • 1694
1695 • 1696 • 1697 • 1698 • 1699

Anul 1697 în literatură a implicat o serie de evenimente semnificative.


Cărți noi

  • Mary Astell - A Serious Proposal to the Ladies Partea a II-a
  • Richard Blackmore - King Arthur
  • Thomas Burnet - Remarks upon An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding
  • William Congreve - The Birth of the Muse
  • William Dampier - A New Voyage Round the World
  • Daniel Defoe - An Essay Upon Projects
  • John Dryden - Alexander's Feast
    • - The Works of Virgil
  • John Evelyn - Numismata: A discourse of medals
  • Jane Lead - A Fountain of Gardens
  • John Locke - A Letter to the Right Reverend Edward Ld Bishop of Worcester
    • - A Second Vindication of the REasonableness of Christianity
  • Charles Perrault - Histoires et contes du temps passé
  • John Phillips - Augustus Britannicus
  • Humphrey Prideaux - The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of Mahomet
  • John Vanbrugh - The Relapse (perf. 1696, pub. 1697)
  • John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester - Familiar Letters
  • William Wotton - Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning


Articol principal: 1697 în teatru.


Articol principal: 1697 în poezie.





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