
Ólafsson is a surname of Icelandic origin, that means son of Ólafur. In Icelandic names, the name is not strictly a surname, but a patronymic. The name refers to:

  • Bragi Ólafsson (born 1962), Icelandic musician and writer
  • Eggert Ólafsson (1726–1768), Iceland explorer and writer; conservator of the Icelandic language
  • Friðrik Ólafsson (born 1935), Icelandic chess grandmaster
  • Gunnsteinn Ólafsson (born 1962), Icelandic orchestra and opera conductor
  • Hössi Ólafsson (born 1977), Icelandic rapper and actor
  • Jón Ólafsson (1850–1916), Icelandic journalist and poet
  • Kjartan Ólafsson (disambiguation), various people
  • Logi Ólafsson (born 1954), Icelandic professional football coach
  • Magnús Óláfsson (disambiguation), various people
  • Ólafur Jóhann Ólafsson (born 1962), Icelandic writer and businessman; executive vice president of Time Warner
  • Víkingur Ólafsson (born 1984), Icelandic pianist.
Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Ólafsson.
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